Second follow-up course M2

Second follow-up course M2

This course consists of six sessions. Sometimes the course is over one or two weekends, or it is a drop-in concept where you can attend the sessions (modules) you want.

In this course we discuss further the principles of Acem Meditation and how they may help us change some of the underlying, limiting structures of our personality.

We start each session with 30 min group meditation and each session has a specific topic:

  •  The Spontaneous Activity of the Mind
  •  Unresolved Issues and Resources
  •  The Elements of Acem Meditation: Control vs. spontaneity
  •  The Elements of Acem Meditation: Mental attitude vs. content
  •  Working Through Unresolved Issues
  •  Comprehension of Meditation

The topics will be discussed on the basis of each group member’s personal experience. There are several group meditations during the course, each 30-45 minutes long.


Upcoming Second follow-up course M2

3 November, 2024